LISTSERV - Instructions for List Users

For detailed descriptions of all of the commands mentioned here, see the LISTSERV Subscriber's Manual.

Managing Your List Through E-Mail

  1. Subscribe to a List
  2. Remove from a List
  3. Unubscribe From all FNAL List
  4. Send Mail to a List
  5. Check Options for a List
  6. Check Options for all FNAL Lists
  7. Copies of Authored Messages
  8. Send Mail to List Owner
  9. Obtain Member List
  10. Obtain List of Lists
  11. Mail/NOMail
  12. DiGest
  13. INDEX
  14. What Lists Am I On ?

Subscription Information

To SUBSCRIBE to a mailing list called MYLIST

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "SUBSCRIBE MYLIST FIRSTNAME LASTNAME" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.
    You may also use "JOIN MYLIST FIRSTNAME LASTNAME" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.

Note: Some mailing lists are set up so that people are not allowed to subscribe themselves. If you attempt to subscribe yourself to such a list, you will get a message telling you that your request has been forwarded to the list owner.

To REMOVE yourself from a mailing list called MYLIST

To remove yourself from a mailing list, send a message to with the message body consisting of the words:

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "UNSUBSCRIBE MYLIST" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.
    You may also use "SIGNOFF MYLIST" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.

To UNSUBSCRIBE from all mailing lists on the Fermilab LISTSERV


  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "UNSUBSCRIBE   *" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.

To SEND to a mailing list called MYLIST

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Put the relevant subject in your subject line
  3. Type your message in the body of your message.

To CHANGE your e-mail address

  1. From your old email address
  2. Send an e-mail message to
  3. Leave the subject line blank
  4. Type "CHANGE LISTSERV NEWADDRESS@FNAL.GOV" (where newaddress is your new email address, without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.

Checking Your Options

To CHECK your options for a mailing list

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "QUERY MYLIST" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.

To CHECK your options for all mailing lists on the Fermilab mailing list server

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "QUERY  *" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.

Note:You will also receive what mailing lists you are subscribed to.

Below is a typical response from a QUERY command:

Subscription options for JSMITH@FNAL.GOV, list MYLIST:

MAIL           You are sent individual postings as they are received
FULLHDR        Full (normal) mail headers
REPRO          You receive a copy of your own postings
NOACK          No acknowledgement of successfully processed postings

Other options for mail headers include

SHORThdr       Short headers (formerly SHORTBSMTP)
IETFhdr        Internet-style headers
DUALhdr        Dual headers, useful with PC or Mac mail programs
FULL822        "Full" RFC822 mail headers
SHORT822       Short RFC822 mail headers
SUBJecthdr     "Full" RFC822 mail headers (like the default), except that LISTSERV adds the 
               list's default subject tag to the subject line of mail coming from the list.
               To turn this off, simply set another mail header option.

To CHANGE your options

You may wish to change some or all of your options either temporarily or permanently. For example, if you are going to be on vacation, you may wish to change your options so that your mail box isn't full when you return.

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "SET MYLIST NOMAIL" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.
To change your option back when you return
  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "SET MYLIST MAIL" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.

COPIES of Authored Messages

If you would prefer not get a copy of each message you send to the mailing list, but would rather just get a message confirming that your submission has been sent to everyone else on the mailing list.

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "SET MYLIST NOREPRO ACK" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.
If you change your mind and would like to receive a copy of each message.
  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "SET MYLIST REPRO ACK" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.

Miscellaneous Commands

To SEND Mail to a list owner

  1. Send an e-mail message to

Note: You may receive a confirmation messages that begins like the following. This is to remind you that it is not the proper address to send commands to)

Your message to MYLIST-request@LISTSERV.FNAL.GOV has been forwarded to
the "list  owners" (the  people who  manage the  MYLIST list).  If you
wanted to reach a human being, you used the correct procedure and you can
ignore  the remainder  of this  message.  If you  were trying  to send  a
command for the computer to execute, please read on.

.  .  .

To OBTAIN a list of who Is Subscribed to a list

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "REVIEW MYLIST" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message, where MYLIST is the actual name of the list
  4. If the list owner allows this option, LISTSERV will return a copy of the "list header" and a list of all subscribers

To OBTAIN a List of all Distribution lists

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "LIST" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message
  4. LISTSERV will return a copy of the "list header" and a list of all subscribers


This option is used for users who will be away from their mail for an extended period of time.
Instead of unsubscribing from all lists, an option is to turn the mail off rather than to unsubscribe, particularly if subscription to the list is restricted in some way.

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "QUIET SET * NOMAIL" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.

To turn the option off, use the above referenced procedure, using "QUIET SET * MAIL"


This option sends one message with all messages posted to a list and an index of those messages. By default it sends one wrap-up per day, unless the list administrator has changed the digest setting to weekly or monthly.

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "SET listname DiGests" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.


This option sends one message with an index of messages posted to the list. By default it sends one wrap-up per day, unless the list administrator has changed the digest setting to weekly or monthly.

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "SET listname INDEX" (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.

What LISTS Am I On?

This option will enable you to find out what lists you are subscribed to.

  1. Send an e-mail message to
  2. Leave the subject line blank
  3. Type "query * " (without the quotation marks) in the body of your message.

last modified July 24th, 2018    email

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