January 2008


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Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]>
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Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Jan 2008 12:35:12 -0600
text/plain (67 lines)
Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Dec 31, 2007 7:34 AM, Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Scientific Linux is based of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
>> For SL 3 and SL 4, it was based off of the AS version.  Basically, it
>> included everything, just like AS did.
>> For SL 5, we have merged both the server and the client.  So you get
>> everything from both.
>> One thing to note.  When I say "everything" I am meaning everything that
>> RedHat releases the source rpm's for.  We do not include anything from
>> their "extras" CD.
>> Troy
>> --
> What's in EL5 extras? While googling, I fail to find a list.
> What is the meaning of the term "Extras"?
> Is that different in nature from the packages on the EPEL (Extra
> Packages for Enterprise Linux) site here:
> This one offers many packages we need, but they are not kept up to
> date, which is frustrating.
> Or is Extra in EL5 same as the old "Fedora Extras" that were in use in
> FC6 on which EL5 is based?
> That's not kept up to date either.

Maybe that's something you should ask RedHat.

But, since I at least know a partial answer I will give what I partially know.
RedHat's "Extra" CD's, which I notice might be called "Supplementary" are 
packages that have different licenses so they can't just put them out for 
everyone to download.  You will not see these on their public ftp site unless 
someone slipped up.

I'll give one example of what is on there along with why it's on there.

Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.1 and above.  (I'm not positive what they have on there 
at the moment.)  If you read the license for that it states that you can 
distribute it as long as you do it in a controlled manner, and they state the 
manner that it has to be controlled.
This is the reason why it's not in Scientific Linux, because we just have 
everything wide open and anyone can download and mirror us.
But RedHat has their extra's channel, where only subscribed members can get at 
and use.  As a subscribed member, you can download Adobe Reader, or download 
the supplemental CD.  But it is in a controlled manner.  Because it is in a 
controlled manner, it conforms to Adobe's license.

That is just one example.

Are these kept up to date.
I believe they are.  But I don't keep track.

Troy Dawson  [log in to unmask]  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LCSI/CSI DSS Group