May 2011


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Sat, 14 May 2011 17:01:33 -0700
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Would a LiveCD repo that contains updates for the LiveCD contents be
a good thing? It is a little more maintenance work for Troy and crew.
It would solve your issue Matthew. And the useful LiveCD packages
could still be included. Of course, the LiveCD would have to enable
the LiveCD repo automatically on install.

{^_^}   Joanne Dow

On 2011/05/14 10:36, Matthew Chan wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes, there's an error being caused with epel. Manual intervention is
> required.
> EPEL will try to update ntfsprogs to 2.0, but because testdisk requires the
> shared lib, and the EPEL build of ntfsprogs doesn't have it,
> the upgrade fails.
> You can work around it by using --skip-broken, but that's not really a great
> solution.
> For the 6.1 livecd release, I wouldn't mind having useful software (like
> testdisk etc) on the livecd either, but I'm worried that users may be
> unaware of these non-repo packages and then install the livecd like I did.
> It can be a security problem if a vulnerability is discovered in a package
> later on, since the package will almost never be updated. For packages like
> testdisk it's probably not a problem, but we also have packages like openVPN
> in the extras repo.
> Would it be a problem to disable the install ability of the liveCD?
> Matt
> On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 5:52 AM, Urs Beyerle<[log in to unmask]>wrote:
>>   Hi Matt,
>> On 05/14/2011 07:44 AM, Matthew Chan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I found out that the SL6 livecd installs some packages which aren't
>> available in the repos. This is causing some conflicts with EPEL.
>> Do you have to solve these conflicts manually? Or is "yum update" good
>> enough.
>>   Was this a design decision?
>> I would say more a "personal preference".
>> The packages which I ran into were
>> - fuse-sshfs
>> - iperf
>> - testdisk
>> - openvpn
>> - ntfsprogs
>> As already mention by William. The complete list of added software can be
>> found here:
>>   I am using yum-protectbase, but epel is upgrading these packages anyways
>> since they do not show up in the sl or sl-update repos.
>> They all seem to be marked from the 'extras' repo.
>> That's right. The "extra" repo can be found here:
>> However, at the moment I just
>> will update this repo when building a new LiveCD release.
>> Concerning the next SL 6.1 LiveCD release, I would be really interested in
>> some user feedback and opinion about which "extra" software should be added
>> to the LiveCD. With extra software I mean software that is not part of the
>> standard SL repos.
>> The most conservative approach would be to add nothing.
>> Personally, I like to have some rescue tools (ddrescue, testdisk, ntfs-3g,
>> gparted, ...) and a browser with a working flash-plugin on the LiveCD.
>> Cheers,
>>      Urs