February 2009


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Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 5 Feb 2009 14:50:33 -0600
text/plain (149 lines)
February 05, 2009
The first beta release for Scientific Linux 5.3 i386 has been released 
for both i386 and x86_64.

You can only do a network install.
We do not have CD or DVD images.



CHANGES by Scientific Linux
**	Updated to version 3.100
**  i386
**      cfitsio-3.100-1.el5.i386.rpm
**      cfitsio-devel-3.100-1.el5.i386.rpm
**  x86_64
**      cfitsio-3.100-1.el5.x86_64.rpm
**      cfitsio-devel-3.100-1.el5.x86_64.rpm

**   FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the Discrete Fourier
**   Transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions, of both real and complex
**   data, and of arbitrary input size.
**  i386
**      fftw3-3.1.2-5.el5.1.i386.rpm
**      fftw3-devel-3.1.2-5.el5.1.i386.rpm
**  x86_64
**      fftw3-3.1.2-5.el5.1.x86_64.rpm
**      fftw3-devel-3.1.2-5.el5.1.x86_64.rpm

**	Updated to 1.6.0_12
**  i386
**	java-1.6.0-sun-compat-
**	jdk-1.6.0_12-fcs.i586.rpm
**  x86_64
**	java-1.6.0-sun-compat-
**	java-1.6.0-sun-compat-
**	jdk-1.6.0_12-fcs.i586.rpm
**	jdk-1.6.0_12-fcs.x86_64.rpm

**	Updated to 2.8.1
**  i386
**      R-2.8.1-1.sl5.i386.rpm
**      R-devel-2.8.1-1.sl5.i386.rpm
**      libRmath-2.8.1-1.sl5.i386.rpm
**      libRmath-devel-2.8.1-1.sl5.i386.rpm
**  x86_64
**      R-2.8.1-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm
**      R-devel-2.8.1-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm
**      libRmath-2.8.1-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm
**      libRmath-devel-2.8.1-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm

** Scipy is open-source software for mathematics, science, and
** engineering. The core library is NumPy which provides convenient and
** fast N-dimensional array manipulation. The SciPy library is built to
** work with NumPy arrays, and provides many user-friendly and efficient
** numerical routines such as routines for numerical integration and
** optimization.
**  i386
**      scipy-0.6.0-6.el5.i386.rpm
**  x86_64
**      scipy-0.6.0-6.el5.x86_64.rpm

**   suitesparse is a collection of libraries for computations involving
**   sparse matrices.
**  i386
**      suitesparse-3.1.0-1.el5.i386.rpm
**      suitesparse-devel-3.1.0-1.el5.i386.rpm
**      suitesparse-static-3.1.0-1.el5.i386.rpm
**  x86_64
**      suitesparse-3.1.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm
**      suitesparse-devel-3.1.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm
**      suitesparse-static-3.1.0-1.el5.x86_64.rpm

comps.xml changes

   There were several changes to the comps.xml of the Upstream Vendor.
   These changes reflect addition and removal of various packages.
   These changes have been migrated into the SL comps.xml

   Group: Cluster Storage
     Removed: kmod-gfs2
     Added Default: cmirror, kmod-cmirror

   Group: Development Libraries
     Removed: tog-pegasus-devel
     Added Optional: fipscheck-devel, libspe2-devel, libstdc++43-devel, 

   Group: Development Tools
     Removed: frysk, frysk-gnome
     Added Optional: gcc43, gcc43-c++, gcc43-gfortran, 
java-1.6.0-openjdk, java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel, libgfortran43, libspe2

   Group: Network Servers
     Added Optional: openldap-servers-overlays

   Group: OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution
     Added Default: compat-dapl, compat-dapl-devel, compat-dapl-utils, 
dapl-devel, mpitests-openmpi
     Added Optional: compat-dapl-static, dapl-static, mpitests-mvapich, 
mpitests-mvapich2, mvapich, mvapich2

   Group: Base
     Removed: sysreport, netconfig
     Added Optional: fipscheck, cpufreq-utils, crash-spu-commands, 
fipscheck, nfs4-acl-tools

   Group: Core
     CHANGED from Default to Optional: ecryptfs-utils
     Added Optional: sgpio

   Group: Legacy Software Development
     Added Default: compat-libcom_err

   Group: Miscellaneous Included Packages
     Removed: cachefilesd

   Group: Printing Support
     Added Optional: wacomexpresskeys

   Group: System Tools
     Added Optional: e4fsprogs, elfspe2

   Group: Virtualization
     Added Optional: libcmpiutil, libvirt-cim