July 2004


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Thu, 29 Jul 2004 15:41:51 -0500
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On Thu, 29 Jul 2004, David Thompson wrote:

> I have been in contact with Tyan on the same issue with an S2875 (also SiI
> 3114) with Tao Linux.

Tao Linux is alot like Scientific Linux in the area of the kernel.  Both
have recompiled RedHat kernels.

-connie sieh

> There's no open source driver from Silicon Image.
> However, there is some good information at
> which indicates that patches are available going back to 2.4.21.
> Dave Thompson  <[log in to unmask]>
> Associate Researcher                    Department of Computer Science
> University of Wisconsin-Madison
> 1210 West Dayton Street                 Phone:    (608)-262-1017
> Madison, WI 53706-1685                  Fax:      (608)-262-6626
> --
> Michael David Joy wrote:
> >Hello All,
> >
> >I have a question about sata support in SL R3.02.
> >
> >I just finished building 3 dual opteron boxes with 2048MB of mem in a
> >NUMA config. The boards have silicon image 3114 chips for the 250GB
> >drives in the systems, however it appears that sata_sil support was left
> >out of the scientific linux boot kernel. I believe Redhat Enterprise
> >supports this chipset just fine, but somehow it got left out of this
> >release's kernel build.
> >
> >In other words, SL 3.02 won't install because it can't detect the sata
> >controller. The boards are Tyan S2882 Thunder K8S Pro's R1.02.
> >
> >Can anyone comment on this? I've resorted to installing Fedora Core 2
> >x86_64 for the time being and it is working perfectly. As we are going
> >to build more systems like this, I'd like to know if there's any work
> >being done on this. Admittedly I can probably build a custom kernel and
> >put it on a boot floppy to install SL, but this is a less than ideal
> >solution. I'd like to have the kernel already built and on the dvd I'm
> >using for installing without having to roll my own custom SL distro.
> >
> >I'm open to suggestions.
> >
> >Michael Joy
> >HEP - University of Mississippi
> >[log in to unmask]