January 2011


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Chris Pemberton <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Chris Pemberton <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 26 Jan 2011 20:28:45 -0600
text/plain (62 lines)
On 01/26/2011 04:18 PM, Troy Dawson wrote:
> Chris Pemberton wrote:
>> Congratulations;  SL 6 beta runs so flawless on my two machines that 
>> I'm getting bored.  I'm waiting for something to bork soon so I can 
>> start googling for fixes.  Until then:
>> The only issue I can find is when the "rings" plymouth boot screen is 
>> displayed, the words "Scientific Linux 6" look like they were 
>> rendered on a Nintendo; especially when contrasted with the smooth 
>> animation just below it.
>> The "offending" file is located at 
>> /usr/share/plymouth/themes/rings/header_image.png.  I've created a 
>> smoother looking png; but just replacing the original file has no 
>> effect at boot time.  I suppose the animation is rendered beforehand 
>> somehow and just played back at boot.  I'll look into it.
>> If you'd like a smoother-looking png file, I'd be glad to share 
>> mine.  I'm not a graphic artist or anything, but gimp is easy enough.
>> In all honesty, thanks for the great work.  I'm just a 
>> stay-at-home-dad with an ME degree and an addiction to linux; but 
>> you're saving me a couple hundred dollars a year with your efforts;  
>> money better spent on books for my three girls.
>> Chris
> Hi Chris,
> My Nintendo NES does all my graphical rendering, but you are the first 
> person to notice. :)
> I ran into the same problem you did of not being able to change the 
> startup graphics.  You can change the shutdown graphics just by 
> changing a file, but not the startup.
> The reason is that the startup graphics are in the initrd image, so 
> you have to remake it.  You can either reinstall a new kernel or run
> /sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel --mkinitrd --dracut --depmod 
> --update `uname -r`
> If I have your permission, I will put this graphic in.  It does look 
> very nice.
> Troy
You are more than welcome to use the graphic... I created it rather 
hastily, so I'll check to see if the text is centred within the png file.

The command you provided did indeed create a new initrd image, even 
updated my grub.conf file and everything... but upon reboot, no new 
graphic!  I found the following command alone will do the trick:

/usr/sbin/plymouth-set-default-theme rings --rebuild-initrd

The command executed rather fast... so I think it only updated the 
existing initrd instead of recreating it from scratch.

I think it looks better... but I just chose any random font that looked 
somewhat similar to the original.  If there is a specific font/color 
you'd like to use, let me know and I'll make another.
