July 2005


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Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]>
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Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Jul 2005 10:10:22 -0500
text/plain (86 lines)
Jan Iven wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-07-24 at 10:17, Axel Thimm wrote:
>>I want to argument on using SL as a distribution for a university's
>>base infrastructure. Perhaps others would also need some "marketing
>>materials" for similar purposes. The usual questions like target
>>group, support, comptibility etc are not the problem, more the
>>reference large site installations, like
>>  o site size
>>    - number of users administered
> about 15k (AFS) users registered on the main interactive Linux cluster
>>    - number of hosts administered
> about 4k visible (2k in computer center, rest desktops/desk-side
> servers), and some hundreds more in private networks. Plus
> non-centrally-managed Linux machines.
>>  o hetereogeneous hardware
> Mostly ia32, but in various roles (embedded/VMEbus boards, desktops,
> laptops, CPU servers, special-purpose servers (disk/tape etc). Some
> (~100) ia64, and x86_64 are creeping into the site as well.
>>  o heterogeneous networks/compatibility with other
>>    Unices/Windows/etc.
> Not too much of an issue here, we have mostly Web services, some
> application gateways (Exceed->Linux, rdesktop->Windows), and Openoffice
> is usually 'good enough' for document compatibility.
>>  o Features deployed
>>    - kerberos
> Yes (Krb5 server-side, clients still a mix of Krb4 and Krb5)
>>    - afs
> Yes, but not ubiquitous on Windows machines (which use DFS)
>>    - single-sign-on
> Not really (ssh+Kerberos between Linux/Unix machines)
>>    - cluster/gfs
> Not really, we have mostly loosely connected clusters, some FC-setups.
> Cluster FS are being tested from time to time (i.e. IBM StorageTank,
> Lustre) but not in production.
> Not sure about the format in which you want this, hope this gives some
> of the info you need.
> Regards
> jan

What if we put things like this on the 'community' section of the S.L. 
web site, and then basically give the various places write access to 
their own section so they can update it if they wish.

Troy Dawson  [log in to unmask]  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group