September 2004


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Laurent Aphecetche <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Laurent Aphecetche <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 17 Sep 2004 04:07:15 -0500
text/plain (68 lines)
On Tue, 14 Sep 2004 16:41:59 -0500, Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


Though I'm fresh new to SL (I've not even installed it on my laptop, yet ;-)
  I'm currently running an FC1), here are some comments to the SL web site,
probably falling under the category "documentation".

Would be nice to have a list of RPM availables for the releases, together
with their text header you get by rpm -qi, and possibly also whether they
are installed by default or not, depending on the chosen installation
method. Having a rough idea on the disc space needed for installation would
also help. With the plone power, that would probably be a matter of little
python script(s).

Concerning plone products, maybe a board would be helpfull (cmfboard?)

As far as I can help, what I can provide (once I've done it, of course ;-) )
is a report on how the installation went on my specific laptop (the kind of
things you can find on and that I found very
usefull both when choosing the laptop to buy and then to actually install
linux on it).


>Many of you have joined this list and asked what you could do to help,
>but we hadn't really had a mechanism to coordinate the efforts.  We've
>picked a plone server as our web server because of it's ability to
>provide some coordination tools.
>Right now we would like some assistance in the following area's.
>  reviewers - (check the current web pages/documentation)
>  Known Hardware Compatibility  - (a section we'd like to make)
>  how-to's
>    wireless-G (anyone out there that is good with wireless)
>    afs  (Troy will write this if he has time, but wouldn't mind help)
>    <something you know how to do> (Please limit it to doing something
>with S.L.)
>Plone Server Consultation
>  Make the bug tracker look nicer.  (Troy knows what to do, but if
>someone already had the XML..)
>  Plug-in's (got a good plone plugin that would help the site)
>  Contrib section  (develop and maintain those neat rpm's not included
>officially with the release)
>  Testers  (always needed)
>  Research why certain source rpm's don't recompile  (Connie can get the
>I'm sure there is more area's, but that is just for starters.
>If you'd like to help.  Please make an account for yourself on
>, and then let us know what you'd like to help
>with.  We'll get the appropriate permissions set on the server.
>Many thanks
>Troy & Connie
>Troy Dawson  [log in to unmask]  (630)840-6468
>Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group