November 2005


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Karl Misselt <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Karl Misselt <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 22 Nov 2005 10:05:54 -0700
text/plain (85 lines)
Karl Misselt wrote:
> Have installed this on one machine thus far:
> MB: SuperMicro PDSLE/Intel 945P chipset
> Network: onboard Intel 82753V Gigabit
> CPU: Intel Pentium D Model 830
> Video: PNY Quadro FX330
> Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 912T
> Seagate SATA Barracuda 300GB running off a Chenbro SR105/209 SATA 
> enclosure.
> Install went without a hitch:
> Drive/controller recognized.
> Network card recognized.
> Graphics worked with no tweaking.
> Monitor is not in monitor database, but works using 'Generic LCD'.
> Basic package selection (custom), gnome only, xemacs, httpd, default
> development package group, etc. We've been running for 2 days now and
> haven't encountered any problems, though the machine is not under a
> heavy load yet.
> -Karl

Wanted to follow up a bit on this.  I installed on a very similar

MB: SuperMicro PDSGE/Intell 955X chipset
Net: Onboard Intel 825753V Gigabit
CPU: Intel PD 830
Video: GeForce PCX6200 PCI-Express
Monitor: Viewsonic VG710b
Seagate SATA Barracuda 300GB running of Chenbro enclosure

Install went well, as before.
Interestingly, the Viewsonic is in the monitor database, but was
not recognized, just like the Samsung (on Firstboot).

More worrisome was the fact that on the first reboot after install,
the kudzu detected all the hardware (network card, video, onboard
sound) as "New Devices" and wanted to configure them.  On trying
to configure, I got a freeze and had to cycle the power.  On the
second boot, kudzu again wanted to add new hardware.  Simply told
it to 'Do nothing' and the boot proceeded normally.  It occured to
me after this happened that the same sequence may have occured on
the first install referenced above.  with the first install, I had
to leave the machine and when I came back I had to restart (forze during
boot). Since it subsequently booted normally, I wrote it off to a one time
fluke as it were.  This doesn't seem isolated to the 42rc though -
I upgraded the kernel on a laptop runing 4.1 last night (from 2.6.9-11.EL
to 2.6.9-22.0.1.EL) - On reboot, the wireless nic was detected as
'New hardware' and going to the kudzu configuration screen resulted
in a hard freeze.  Restarting resulted in kudzu again detecting the
wireless nic as new, but now freeze occurs.  Selected 'do nothing'
and boot proceeded normally.   I have another machine running 41
I need to upgrade the kernel on (indentical to my second install
above) - i'll turn off kudzu prior to booting into the new kernel
and see what happens.

Two desktops installed with 4.2 (111705).  2nd install definitely
had issues with kudzu detecting all hardware as new.  1st probably
did as well.
Upgrading laptop (Dell 700m) from 11.EL to 22.0.1.EL resulted in
very similar behavior with kudzu.

I will try a clean install with the newest rc on the ftp site (112205)
and see if similar behavior ensues.  Will also upgrade kernel on another
41 machine without kudzu running and see what happens.


| Karl A. Misselt                             Office: Steward 254  |
| Steward Observatory                          Phone: 520-626-0196 |
| University of Arizona                          FAX: 520-621-9555 |
| Tucson, AZ 85721-0065                     [log in to unmask] |
|                                  |