March 2007


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Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Troy Dawson <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Mar 2007 10:53:19 -0600
text/plain (142 lines)
The Scientific Linux developers are pleased to announce our "Second 
Alpha Release" of Scientific Linux 5.0

This is not for production use.
This release will change *dramatically* before the final release.
You have been warned.

Below are the changes from The Upstream Vendor Beta 2 release
Things marked with an * are changed from our first alpha release.

-Connie Sieh
-Troy Dawson

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ADDED compared to vendor
     NEdit is a GUI text editor for the X Window System and Motif.

* With FUSE it is possible to implement a fully functional filesystem
* in a userspace program.
* fuse-smb: you can seamlessly browse your network neighbourhood as if
* it were on your own filesystem. Only when you're accessing a share is
* a connection made to the remote computer.  This also allows users to
* mount smb shares using kerberos.
* fuse-sshfs: A FUSE-filesystem client based on the
* SSH File Transfer Protocol.  On the client side mounting the
* filesystem is as easy as logging into the server with ssh.
*	fuse-2.6.3-1.SL.i386.rpm
*	fuse-devel-2.6.3-1.SL.i386.rpm
*	fuse-libs-2.6.3-1.SL.i386.rpm
*	fuse-smb-0.8.5-1.i386.rpm
*	fuse-sshfs-1.7-2.SL.i386.rpm
*	kernel-module-fuse-2.6.18-1.2747.el5-2.6.3-1.SL.i686.rpm
*	kernel-module-fuse-2.6.18-1.2747.el5PAE-2.6.3-1.SL.i686.rpm
*	kernel-module-fuse-2.6.18-1.2747.el5xen-2.6.3-1.SL.i686.rpm

*  	A lightweight window manager for the X Window System.
*  		icewm-1.2.30-2.i386.rpm
*  		icewm-l10n-1.2.30-2.i386.rpm

* Support for Atheros G wireless
*madfifi is the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi, a linux device driver
*for 802.11a/b/g universal NIC cards - either Cardbus, PCI or MiniPCI -
*that use Atheros chipsets (ar5210, ar5211, ar5212).
*	madwifi-
*	madwifi-kmdl-2.6.18-1.2747.el5-
*	madwifi-kmdl-2.6.18-1.2747.el5PAE-
*	madwifi-kmdl-2.6.18-1.2747.el5xen-

*  This adds a terminal icon to the kicker panel for both KDE and GNOME.
* Installed by default for both KDE and GNOME.

* 	Adds arch to "rpm -qa" listing.

Changed RPMS compared to vendor
*	yum-3.0.3-3.SL.noarch.rpm
*	yum-conf-50-0.3.rolling.SL.noarch.rpm
*	yum-metadata-parser-1.0.3-1.i386.rpm
*	yum-updatesd-3.0.3-3.SL.noarch.rpm

There are minimal changes compared to the "vendor" release.  We have
changed the "rpms" that are required to be changed.  These changes are
defined by the "vendor".


/Client /Server /VT /Workstation /Cluster /ClusterStorage
TUVv5b2 consists of 2 cd sets,  Server and Client.  Each cd set has a
group of directories which contain the actual rpms.  On the Client cd
this consists of Client,Workstation and VT.  On the Server cd this
consists of Server,VT, Cluster, ClusterStorage.  The VT directory
contains the same rpms on each cd.

* We have combined all of the rpm's into one big directory, and placed
* this directory where the rpms historically have been, namely /SL/RPMS/

* You are no longer asked for a "key".  All packages are available
* to everyone.

At the moment, TUV SRPM's are still on the TUV's publically available
ftp server.  When we get them up, they will be at


Our modified SRPMS are at



Troy Dawson  [log in to unmask]  (630)840-6468
Fermilab  ComputingDivision/CSS  CSI Group