On Thu, Dec 8, 2022 at 9:38 AM Behrens, Lars (PHI) <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > CERN and Fermilab jointly plan to provide AlmaLinux as the standard
> > distribution for experiments
> Will there be (or is there already) an upgrade path from Scientific 7
> to AlmaLinux 8?
> I know they have scripts to switch from CentOS/RHEL but have found none
> so far for SL.
> Cheerz,
> Lars

I'd not recommend it. Updating a major OS in place is difficult
enough. Adding in a change of vendor, even if they use the same source
code base is.... well, it's asking for painful surprises.

I used to write scripts for SL/CentOS/RHEL switchovers. It's a slow
and painful approach, and I don't recommend it.