It seems that following conditions from cockpit specfile doesn't resolve

%if 0%{?rhel} != 7
%if 0%{?firewalld_service}
Conflicts: firewalld >= 0.6.0-1
Conflicts: firewalld < 0.6.0-1

It yields following:
# rpmspec -P cockpit.spec | grep firewalld
Conflicts: firewalld >= 0.6.0-1
# firewalld only partially picks up changes to its services files
without this

And macros from conditions expand like that:
# rpm --eval '%{?rhel}'
# rpm --eval '%{?firewalld_service}' # it is null

So to my understanding we should conflict versions below 0.6.0-1.

Hope it helps.

On 5/7/20 1:02 PM, Cezary Drak wrote:
> Hello,
> during graphical system installation installer breaks with following
> dependency problem:
> cockpit-ws conflicts with firewalld-0.6.3-8.el7_8.1.noarch
> Is there any information I could provide additionally regarding this bug?
> Regards,

Cezary Drak
DevOps Engineer