I find it extremely puzzling that you can express so much fear about IBM 
and then even consider moving into the arms of Oracle!

I used Scientific Linux for about 10 years and it was fantastic. Close 
to 4 years ago I moved to a new place which uses CentOS instead. It also 
works just fine, other than the support cycle being a bit different 
there is almost zero pain or re-learning involved. If that wasn't 
enough, FNAL and CERN have also clearly put their faith into CentOS for 
the future.

On 2/23/2020 12:24 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:
>  From below:
> Will look forward to move to another distribution.
> End excerpt.
> The question is:  which distro?  My first hope was Oracle EL 8 -- given 
> that Oracle has to compete with IBM and thus, unlike CentOS that may or 
> may not fit into the profit/business long term plan of IBM (long term -- 
> less than a decade, but more than three or four years -- at least 
> through EL 9 first production release), provide a "working and usable" 
> product, just as was SL.  After reading comments on this list, I am more 
> tempted to give up on EL and move to Ubuntu LTS.  But -- I have not made 
> a decision. For those who require a reliable, production, stable, but 
> reasonably "current" Linux environment ("current" means that when I need 
> an application, I will not find that there are no ports of the recent 
> releases of the application to the Linux I am using because the major 
> libraries -- .so files -- are too "obsolete"), what choices are 
> available?  In so far as possible, I want the same distro to work on 
> servers (and have CUDA support for compute servers with Nvidia GPU 
> compute boards as well as MPI) and my laptop "workstation".