Hope the SL conversation net will stay alive.

I have found that there is little "noise" when you ask a question.  

Most of the stuff you find on the net about a subject is just

Ask a question or have a problem and you get some real help that works.

I try to keep complaints to the point and they should be considered as
things that need to be fixed.

Long time SL user

Thank You All
Larry Linder

On Thu, 2019-10-17 at 14:01 +0200, David Sommerseth wrote:
> On 16/10/2019 22:14, Yasha Karant wrote:
> > As SL is "going away", and CERN/Fermilab on this list seemed to indicate 
> > future RHEL major releases would be CentOS deployments, is that in fact 
> > what is happening?  Or will there be RHEL licenses for CERN/Fermilab 
> > general deployment?
> > 
> > What about Oracle EL?  
> You do know that Oracle EL is based on CentOS source RPMs?  So why would
> Oracle EL be better than CentOS in this case, which would also be an implicit
> support of a company not being much open source friendly (just look at what
> has happened with java/openjdk, openoffice.org/libreoffice, mysql/mariadb).