So, after I stopped beating my head against the code and switched directions, I found the commit commentary for in the upstream scap-security-guide package. Looking at that and the patches that were made between 0.1.40 and 0.1.43 to that file and the dependent library, it became clear that there was effort made to remove profiles and other content "that CentOS and derivatives don't need or shouldn't do..." That may make for some discussion about non-CentOS needs or desires in the upstream, unfortunately...

Given the upstream commits, I came up with the following patch (also attached) which seems to effectively disable the filtering and restore the previous profiles to our lists. I don't think the remaining additions from the commits are doing anything to impair the functionality of what remains of the ds and oval files, but I don't have a good regression test to run. My test runs with remediation that I did today seem to indicate that things fundamentally work. YMMV...

------------------- Cut Here -----------------------
diff -Naur scap-security-guide-0.1.43-orig/build-scripts/ scap-security-guide-0.1.43-new/build-scripts/
--- scap-security-guide-0.1.43-orig/build-scripts/	2019-02-18 08:15:54.000000000 -0500
+++ scap-security-guide-0.1.43-new/build-scripts/	2019-09-16 17:01:53.777616290 -0400
@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@
         raise RuntimeError("No Benchmark found!")
     for namespace, benchmark in benchmarks:
-        ssg.build_derivatives.profile_handling(benchmark, namespace)
         if not ssg.build_derivatives.add_cpes(benchmark, namespace, mapping):
             raise RuntimeError(
                 "Could not add derivative OS CPEs to Benchmark '%s'."
diff -Naur scap-security-guide-0.1.43-orig/ssg/ scap-security-guide-0.1.43-new/ssg/
--- scap-security-guide-0.1.43-orig/ssg/	2019-02-18 08:15:54.000000000 -0500
+++ scap-security-guide-0.1.43-new/ssg/	2019-09-16 17:02:22.770616290 -0400
@@ -97,8 +97,6 @@
         for fix in rule.findall(".//{%s}fix" % (namespace)):
-            if "fips" in fix.get("id"):
-                rule.remove(fix)
             sub_elems = fix.findall(".//{%s}sub" % (namespace))
             for sub_elem in sub_elems:
                 sub_elem.tail = re.sub(r"[\s]+- CCE-.*", "", sub_elem.tail)
------------------- Cut Here -----------------------

On 9/13/19, 2:23 PM, "Pat Riehecky" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

    I'm in a similar boat.  I fear I've not spent much time looking at the 
    SCAP stuff since 7.2....
    On 9/13/19 2:14 PM, Kraus, Dave (GE Healthcare) wrote:
    > Ok. I had a feeling that was the case.
    > Anything in particular you'd like me to dig deeper into? Some bits of the seem to be where I'd suspect breakage, but I haven't figured a way to tap into them easily...