So, here I am, patching up scap-security-guide for our rebranding. Slight edit to my patch, no big deal, rpmbuild comes out clean. But when I go to pick a security profile during install, or go to pick a profile in scap-workbench (or output from oscap info), I only see "Standard System Security Profile for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7" and "PCI-DSS v3.2.1 Control Baseline for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7", rather than the 10 or so that I got in 7.6.

That's odd. Usually, I get either nothing, or everything.

Wonder what a base SL 7.7 does?

Huh. The anaconda Security Profile spoke gives me nothing to choose. 

Install, add scap-workbench and dependencies, bring it up, I get the same 2 profiles as ours, at least, so it's not just me.

Yum downgrade to the 7.6 package (0.1.40-12.sl7) and I see all the profiles I expect.

The last CentOS update to 7.6.1810 I have is 0.1.40, so probably not worth checking at this point.

So, ultimately, is this condition expected/correct, or do we have upstream bugs to work out and report?

(Mostly I'm trying to determine how much more effort I need to put into this. At this moment our 0.1.40-12.distro7 version will probably be put into our 7.7...)