Thanks Pat!

Yeah, I've been ignoring that repoclosure failure for a while. Hadn't had time to track down if that was obsolete, something on our end, or something from your side.

Again, thanks for tracking that down.

On 11/9/18, 8:59 AM, "[log in to unmask] on behalf of Pat Riehecky" <[log in to unmask] on behalf of [log in to unmask]> wrote:

    Thanks for the report!
    glusterfs-ganesha was added to SL6 as part of the glusterfs-server. The 
    HELiOS folks[1] requested we add in the glusterfs server bits for their 
    The nfs-ganesha bits come out of the RHS product[2].  It appears I 
    missed a bit when updating glusterfs.  For compatibility reasons we are 
    pulling in only the minimal required packages from RHS.
    I'll get the missing bits built and out the door shortly.
    On 11/9/18 6:39 AM, aleksander.baranowski wrote:
    > Hi,
    > There is package 'glusterfs-ganesha' that has broken dependencies.
    > Error: Package: glusterfs-ganesha-3.12.2-18.el6.x86_64 (sl-security)
    >             Requires: nfs-ganesha-gluster >= 2.4.1
    >             Available: nfs-ganesha-gluster-2.2.0-12.el6.x86_64 (sl)
    >                 nfs-ganesha-gluster = 2.2.0-12.el6
    >   You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
    >   You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest
    > According to (`glusterfs-ganesha` in the search
    > box). This package is available since SL 6.0, so I'm quite confused that
    > I didn't hit that problem sooner.
    > I searched the list archives but didn't find anything relevant.
    > Bests,
    > Alex
    Pat Riehecky
    Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory