Good catch, that belongs in extras.

I'll get it tossed over in our pre-release area for now.


On 11/16/18 1:02 PM, Kraus, Dave (GE Healthcare) wrote:
>   New but related thread:
> Why is lorax-composer part of 7.6 fastbugs? If it needs to be included in the release, then there are a handful of dependencies that need to be included for repoclosure on integration:
> package: lorax-composer-19.7.24-1.el7.x86_64 from HELiOS
>    unresolved deps:
>       python-semantic_version
>       python-gevent
>       python-flask
>       libgit2-glib
>       libgit2
> .src.rpm is also under sources, if it was not intended to be part of the release...

Pat Riehecky

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory