On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 12:07 PM Yasha Karant <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> How does one update SL 7 using a mounted USB flash drive as the source
> of a repo, rather than using any external network?  There were
> instructions for doing this for EL pre-7 distributions, but I cannot
> find similar instructions for SL 7.  I have a USB flash drive with the
> current double-layer DVD SL7.5 install image (ISO) and that does work --
> I just did a fresh install of SL7.5 using this media.

One sets up a new or one of the existing /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo files
to look at the locally mounted CD drive. I would copy "sl7.repo" to
"sl7-local.repo", and reset the repository names to "sl7-local" and
the like, and set their URLs to point to
"file:///mountpoint/7.version/x86_64/os" and similar URLs.

I've done just this sort of thing, successfully for internal SL,
CentOS, and RHEL mirrors. You may find my tools at
https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_nkadel_nkadel-2Drsync-2Dscripts&d=DwIBaQ&c=gRgGjJ3BkIsb5y6s49QqsA&r=gd8BzeSQcySVxr0gDWSEbN-P-pgDXkdyCtaMqdCgPPdW1cyL5RIpaIYrCn8C5x2A&m=ZaEnwUQudetGWYQdvIWaIZpzkLrUQvtgY4Raxnp-k6k&s=9JtRBcCblJbe_D721QRdXicBt1TaIQLQL7nGSjsOheA&e= helpful for generateing
your local mirror, especially the one for Scientific Linux.