
not sure if this is the correct mailing list for this, but:

Since 10th of August the checksum for the comps.xml file is different
from the one in repomd.xml. We found that while syncing to our internal
mirror, as we're checking the repodata after syncing before committing
to the mirror directories.

| ERROR: repo ./6x/x86_64/os has broken METADATA:
|   group metadata missing or does not match checksum
| $ sha256sum repodata/comps-sl6-x86_64.xml
| 7abb38b1f9922a37876cff991a034ce81a9ec2fa00476796e2ed4f277b627783  repodata/comps-sl6-x86_64.xml
| $ grep -B1 comps-sl6-x86_64.xml\" repodata/repomd.xml
|     <checksum type="sha256">0161909200c76feb5ca1b32559f33a153690c6e5824be7f9509edbd569708adb</checksum>
|     <location href="repodata/comps-sl6-x86_64.xml"/>

I checked this against freshly downloaded metadata from ftp1.scientificlinux.org and get the same results here.


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