On Thu, 11 Jan 2018, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:

> I recommend against installing ROOT from EPEL. By past experience
> the version of ROOT in EPEL is always severely out of date
> and is always built with the wrong options.

To which bug do you refer?

of course EPEL folks cannot fix what they do not get bugs 
get or respond to complaints they do not know about

there is only one open and possibly relevant non-'cross 
platform build' bug open as I read bugzilla


and looking at the open to close history of the 51 closed 
bugs, it seems it is being actively maintained -- over 12 
closes in 2017, some seemingly substantial


As the OP seemed to be looking to bootstrap an install, 
concerns about temporary bootstrap staleness are probably is 
not relevant, as the library mentioned would get updated 

-- Russ herrold