
I'm trying to rebuild some package for SL7. Package in original has both
(64 and i686) arch. Some systems has i686 version already installed. I
rebuild package with my patches, but rebuild is x86_64 arch only :(. So
during update there is broken dependencies problem (src.rpm build also
noarch packages).

I'm mostly building packages with epel mock + custom repo, but I also
tried to build on "normal" host - every time with same results.

I know that there was sl-mock-config project on bitbucket but link is
dead :(.

From build time of x86_64 and i686 packages I deducted that they are
built separately.

Any information about correct flow for building x86_64 with/and i686
version of packages would be appreciated.

GPG INFO: 6D5A4CAF 2016-05-17