On 04/11/17 01:14, ToddAndMargo wrote:
> I do realize that RHEL is just next to unmaintained code.

Hey, cut the FUD crap please.  And this isn't the first time you come
with such bullshit either.

RHEL is fully maintained and updated according to their release process.
 Bugs and security issues are fixed during the complete life cycle of
each major release.  That is quite far from "unmaintained code".
Insisting on running RHEL 4 today is running unmaintained code.

This whining about "it isn't the latest upstream version" is not what
RHEL is about.  And it ignores so much of how RHEL packaging actually
works.  If you want latest versions at all times, you need a bleeding
edge Linux distro (Arch and Gentoo comes to mind, even Fedora or Ubuntu
is not as bleeding edge as those).  Stop complaining about the blue cars
of yours being blue.

I do try to have patience and educate where it is appropriate.  But the
patience eventually has its end too.  When that end arrives, you just
end up being ignored.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth