On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 9:48 PM, jdow <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Here is what I have in my .bash_profile file:
> if [ "$PS1" ]; then
> # extra [ in front of \u unconfuses confused Linux VT parser
> PS1="\e[0 [[\\u@\\h:\\l \\w]\\$ "
> fi

What do you mean by "VT parser"? Because whether you are on a VT or in
an xterm, not having "...[[\\u..." removes the opening square bracket
from PS1 (it, somehow, terminates the escape).

"\e[0" should be "\e[0m".

Since you're only using escaped characters, you can stop escaping the

th@localhost ~ $ PS1="\e[0 [[\u@\h:\l \w]\$ "
[th@localhost:0 ~]$ cd /etc
[th@localhost:0 /etc]$

If you use "\e[0m", you don't need "[[":

[th@localhost:0 /etc]$ PS1="\w $ "
/etc $ PS1="\e[0m[\u@\h:\l \w]\$ "
[th@localhost:0 /etc]$ cd /opt
[th@localhost:0 /opt]$ cd
[th@localhost:0 ~]$

You're supposed to enclose non-printing characters in escaped
brackets. PS1 expansion generally works without doing so but I've had
problems in the past when not using them (I can't remember under what
circumstances, sorry).

So it should be:

PS1="\[\e[0m\][\u@\h:\l \w]\$ "