On 08/10/2017 12:26 PM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> On 08/10/2017 10:54 AM, Bonnie King wrote:
>> Thanks, these have been pushed.
>> On 08/10/2017 11:24 AM, Orion Poplawski wrote:
>>> So looks like we still need:
>>> krb5-server
>>> krb5-server-ldap
>>> krb5-devel
>>> krb5-pkinit
> This is becoming a rabbit hole...
> I'm testing this on an IPA server and now kerberos and IPA are out of sync:
> krb5kdc: Database module does not match KDC version - while initializing
> database for realm NWRA.COM
> So for this to work on IPA servers (and perhaps clients?), the IPA updates
> would need to be added.

I believe we've got the missing packages published up in testing.

Can you verify things look better now?
