On Jun 16, 2017, at 00:34 , Denice wrote:

> I see in the SL user mailing list archives that rpcbind version
> 0.2.0-13.el6_9.1 was published on Tuesday in the fastbugs repo.  Will it
> be pushed to the security repo, or is it still in a testing period?
> It seems sensible to push it to security updates given that version
> 0.2.0-13.el6_9 in security updates is broken.

AFAIK, it's broken on fairly weird setups only (IPv6 enabled, but still using *NIS*). Fastbugs seems a reasonable place for such an update.

>  When the fastbugs repository
> is not enabled on a system then this new update would not be seen during
> yum-updates without enabling that repo.  Further, the SL 6 fastbug rpcbind
> update appears only in the 6.9 tree in the mirror at this time, and not
> other point releases; example:

Fastbugs updates have been provided for the latest SL minor release only for as long as I can remember.

Cheers, etc.