On Sun, 2 Apr 2017, Dan wrote:

> Yesterday, I accidentally (as part of a more general yum install
> invocation with some wildcards in it) ran:
> yum install fermilab-conf_doe-banner-console
> This wrote a passage of text to /etc/motd, causing a vaguely
> threatening message, purporting to constitute a legally-binding
> contract, to appear on screen at boot time.
> However, subsequently running
> yum remove fermilab-conf_doe-banner-console
> does not remove the passage of text from /etc/motd, and does not stop
> the message from appearing at boot time.

Well, thanks to Pat's swift production of a new version of
fermilab-conf_doe-banner-console (followed by another cycle of yum
install and yum remove by me), the text has now been deleted from

Unfortunately, the threatening-sounding message is still appearing at
boot time.  Digging a little deeper, I think this may be because

yum install fermilab-conf_doe-banner-login-screen

writes the relevant text into
</usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled>, and a subsequent

yum remove fermilab-conf_doe-banner-login-screen

doesn't remove the text from that file.  Pat, I think you're the
maintainer of that package too, right?  Any chance of a similar fix
there, please?


Kind regards,
