> SL6 uses OpenSSL v1.0.1, which is no longer supported by OpenSSL
> ( https://www.openssl.org/policies/releasestrat.html ).
> v1.0.2 which may be a drop in replacement is supported until the end of
> 2019.
> https://access.redhat.com/solutions/1530413
> explains Red Hat's position on this, but it can only be read by
> those with a Red Hat contract.
> Could SL make a similar statement which is available to anyone who
> has access to SL ?
> I'm particularly asking since I'm trying to build the latest exim,
> which does not support openssl v1.0.1
> https://lists.exim.org/lurker/message/20170131.025153.592b38db.en.html
>    As we are into 2017, the oldest OpenSSL supported by the OpenSSL project
>    is 1.0.2, so that is now the oldest version which the Exim Maintainers
>    formally "support" for Exim. As of yet, I do not believe that any
>    changes have been merged which would break support for older OpenSSL,
>    but you are on your own if you try to use such.
> I can of course build a local OpenSSL v1.0.2 for exim, but if there were
> a system version it would be simpler for me.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Andrew C Aitchison

SL follows RHEL.