Hi again
I hope I haven't done anything stupid again, but cannot install policycoreutils-python
Is something missing from the repositories?

         1. You have an upgrade for audit-libs which is missing some
            dependency that another package requires. Yum is trying to
            solve this by installing an older version of audit-libs of the
            different architecture. If you exclude the bad architecture
            yum will tell you what the root cause is (which package
            requires what). You can try redoing the upgrade with
            --exclude audit-libs.otherarch ... this should give you an error
            message showing the root cause of the problem.

Using the exclude statement gives

Error: Package: audit-libs-python-2.4.1-5.el7.x86_64 (sl)
           Requires: audit-libs = 2.4.1-5.el7
           Installed: audit-libs-2.6.5-3.el7.x86_64 (@anaconda/7.3)
               audit-libs = 2.6.5-3.el7
           Available: audit-libs-2.4.1-5.el7.x86_64 (sl)
               audit-libs = 2.4.1-5.el7

Bill Maidment