Synopsis:          Moderate: pcs security, bug fix, and enhancement update
Advisory ID:       SLSA-2016:2596-2
Issue Date:        2016-11-03
CVE Numbers:       CVE-2016-0720

The following packages have been upgraded to a newer upstream version: pcs

Security Fix(es):

* A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) flaw was found in the pcsd web UI. A
remote attacker could provide a specially crafted web page that, when
visited by a user with a valid pcsd session, would allow the attacker to
trigger requests on behalf of the user, for example removing resources or
restarting/removing nodes. (CVE-2016-0720)

* It was found that pcsd did not invalidate cookies on the server side
when a user logged out. This could potentially allow an attacker to
perform session fixation attacks on pcsd. (CVE-2016-0721)

These issues were discovered by Martin Prpic (Red Hat Product Security).

Additional Changes:


- Scientific Linux Development Team