On 11/23/2016 01:20 PM, Pat Riehecky wrote:
> Updated packages have been posted for testing:
> http://ftp.scientificlinux.org/linux/scientific/7rolling/testing/x86_64/
> With the recent release of TUV 7.3, we have assembled the relevant
> security errata packages within the SL 7 testing repo.
> Please test these packages to verify they produce the expected behavior.

I haven't seen any problems so far.  Thanks!

Orion Poplawski
Technical Manager                     303-415-9701 x222
NWRA, Boulder/CoRA Office             FAX: 303-415-9702
3380 Mitchell Lane                       [log in to unmask]
Boulder, CO 80301                   http://www.nwra.com