On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 1:08 PM, MAH Maccallum
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Thanks, Andrew. I will check those possibilities. A problem
> with the graphics drivers seems likely in that I get the same
> result with my default (test) user as with my own personal login.
> However, logging in as root gives a perfectly normal Gnome
> screen.So it may be that somehow a permission got changed.
> What's odd is that this all happened in the course of moving
> the cursor around and the abrt error message suggests it was
> moving the cursor across the clock that caused the problem.

Gnome is *not the friend of getting work done*. Seriously. It's become
so driven that it interferes with actual work.

There is a reason that I still publish RPM tools for vtwm, over at
https://github.com/nkadel/vtwm-5.5.x-srpm. Bog stable, provides
excellent "virtual" desktop space, and avoids all the funky-tude of
destabilizing Gnome features that you simply do not need for normal

There's been a big thread over in the Fedora mailing lists about how
software updates break active Gnome sessions, and the workarounds are
fundamentally crazed. I encourage  you and other developers and
desktop users to avoid using a feature filled toolkit that actively
hinders day to day work through its unnecessary complexity.