On 2016-06-03 14:49, Patrick J. LoPresti wrote:
>> /Users/users from homeserver.internal.local:/users/users
>> Flags:
> rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,mountaddr=,mountvers=3,mountport=35079,mountproto=udp,fsc,local_lock=none,addr=
> How did you wind up with rsize/wsize of 8K? The default on Linux has been 1
> megabyte for a long time.

Do you have a link for that, please? What is 'a long time'? Does it 
apply to all NFS versions and v3 in particular as the OP asked? Is there 
a list somewhere of NFS and kernel versions and defaults?

Cheers, Dave

> Fix this, and I suspect you will find performance increases dramatically.
>   - Pat