On 2016-03-30 10:59, Yasha Karant wrote:
> On 03/30/2016 09:14 AM, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
>> On Wed, 30 Mar 2016, Benjamin Lefoul wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have set monitor-connection-files=true in my
>>> /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
>>> It works fine (in fact, instantly) if I edit
>>> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 with emacs or vi (for instance,
>>> changing the IP).
>>> It fails miserably if I use sudoedit, or sed:
>> I *think* emacs writes a new file with a different name and then renames it.
>> Try "ls -li /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" before and after
>> editting; if the inode/inum (the number at the beginning) has changed
>> that is what your editor is doing, and what NetworkManager is looking for.
>>> # grep 100 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>>> # sed -i 's/100/155/g' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
>>> Even though all stats (access modify and change) are renewed.
>>> It's worse than that: even nmcli con reload afterwards fails.
>>> In fact, the only way to get the ip to change is by entering the file with
>>> vi, not touching it, and leave with ":wq" (not just ":q").
>>> Why is that? What is going on here?
>>> I know, I know, I can use nmcli in scripts, and not string-manipulation
>>> tools, but say I don't want to... :)
>>> And still, during operations, I'd rather edit the files with sudoedit...
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Benjamin Lefoul
>>> nWISE AB
> I have a related question.  I have now inserted an appropriate UTP cable into
> the RJ-45 jack on my laptop, I have a green LED (meaning MAC signal) -- thus I
> have a 802.3 connection.  However, unlike previous incarnations of Network
> Manager, the present SL7 one does not allow me to activate the 802.3 connection,
> but only the 802.11 connection. Evidently, despite claims that NAT should work
> with 802.11 to VirtualBox running a MS Win 7 Pro guest (a claim as I recall
> contradicted by other respondents), it does not (MS Win sees no network).  Thus,
> I am attempting to run my laptop on a wired 802.3 connection, but I cannot seem
> to activate it.  I do need Network Manager when I am in the field and must
> connect to arbitrary 802.11 WLANs in a fashion similar to MS Win and Mac OS X
> (for which the "automagic" 802.11 DHCP hotel, etc., networks seem to be
> designed).  How do I get Network Manager to allow me to activate the wired
> connection?  Note that Network Manager does "see" the 802.3 NIC ( it displays
> Ethernet Network (Intel Ethernet Connection I217-LM) but shows disconnected and
> will not let me connect.  Do I need to be root to make this happen?
> If this related query should be a new thread, I will repost as such if that is
> appropriate.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Yasha Karant

Yasha, you may find you have to modify the virtual box settings so that they are 
not trying to use a network connection that is not active. That will also mean 
shutting down VB and restarting it. This is an issue I have with a Windows 7 
host, as well.

Disconnected adapters won't communicate with anything. And when you connect 
802.3 the 802.11 connection is shut down.
