On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 11:44 AM, Steven Haigh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> On 17/03/2016 9:39 PM, Tom H wrote:
>> You just have to override it in "/etc/systemd/system/".
> Which (as I pointed out on the bug report associated with this issue) is
> a completely retarded and broken concept to do.
> Applying this override will block out any future updates to the systemd
> unit file rendering any changes / updates in the future to be futile.
> It breaks the entire concept of having package managed service files.
> This attitude causes problems and is the very salt in the wound of
> veteran system administrators. Fix the breakage - not apply workarounds
> - this isn't Windows, and we completely reject these "solutions".

I didn't read the bug report but, unless you're using LFS, there isn't
a simple solution.

In the past, you'd end up with a file with a suffix (or a prefix in
Gentoo) and you'd have to diff the two and figure out whether you want
to use the new one as-is or modify it or keep the old one.

Now, you can just run systemd-delta after an update.