
i'm a bit confused about the usage of smartd and smartmontools.

smartmontools bring smartd as part of the package. Smartd can be added to
run levels. But smartmontools - can *not* be added to a runlevel and, as
such, does NOT control the smartd daemon... i'm right or ...?

i'm confused because various blogs seemed to indicate that smatmontools
control the smartd's start parameters (
) , but i failed to find any confirmation of this in the current
smartmontools documentation ( doesn't mean it is not there).

For example the widely referred "#start_smartd=yes" in the
/etc/default/smartmontools is not there ( smartmontools-5.43-1.el6.x86_64 ).

for now i just did the "old" way - added smartd to run on 235, but just
curious what's the deal here.

Thank you