2015-10-26 20:45 GMT+02:00 Yasha Karant <[log in to unmask]>:
Although the KVM solution discussed here may work, the description of this in operation appears to be a true
hypervisor even when only used to run, say, MS Windows as an application environment virtual machine under SL.  That is, this solution is not the same "in spirit" as is VirtualBox.  On a hard 802.3 wired connection, VirtualBox does provide Internet access to the outside world from the guest; this seems to be a failure on a 802.11 ISP wifi connection.  JHas anyone used VMware-Player-12.0.0-2985596.x86_64.bundle on a SL7 host with a MS Win guest?

Did you really enabled bridged interface for host on VirtualBox?
