On 10/12/2015 09:34 AM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> ...If you need to ensure particular disk layouts, put in a '%pre' 
> statement to partition things the way *you* want in a saveable, 
> scriptable format, and use the resulting LABEL or LVM based volumes to 
> hand off to the rest of the kickstart configuration. The anaconda disk 
> configuration tools are powerful, but awfully confusing and very 
> diffficult to get right if you try to do *anything* that is not bog 
> standard. And the "system-config-kickstart" GUI for resetting 
> kickstart files is not much help: it profoundly reformats the 
> kickstart file you start with, and throws out multiple "%pre" or 
> "%post" steps. And ooohh, if you're using kickstart files? Put in a 
> %post --nochroot" to copy /tmp/ks.cfg to /mnt/sysimage/root/ks.cfg, so 
> that you have an actual copy of the kickstart file you actually used 
> on that particular system!
FWIW, this is what I have been doing for a decade to use a single 
kickstart config to build at least two thousand servers and workstations 
with a wide variety of disk layouts. The script partitions based on the 
system config (number and size of disks), and the system type 
(workstation, compute farm, std infrastructure, etc.) The latter part is 
defined by the script that builds the ks.cfg from a template.
