On 08/20/2015 11:37 AM, Lamar Owen wrote:
> There are several relevant bugzillas for the redhat-rpm-config 
> 'security' update, but probably the most relevant one is 1122100 ( 
> direct link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1122100 ).  
> This is upstream of SL, and apparently it is intentional, and so 
> you'll need to file a bugzilla with redhat (or continue use the 
> workaround you already found).

Replying to myself for the sake of archiving the information...... I 
found the link to this BZ by following BZ#1199983, which is mentioned in 
the 'Technical Notes' for 6.7 (specifically 7.178. redhat-rpm-config), 
and so the addition of redhat-rpm-config to the requirements for 
rpm-build is documented in the upstream release notes.