Hi all,

Please accept the submission of a new package for review and possible
inclusion into the SL addons repo.

Name: sl-mock-config

Description: mock config files for SL 6 (i686 and x86_64) and 7

Signed SRPMS are publicly available from:


Public GPG available from:


Attached files:

sl-mock-config-1.0.0-1.el6.src.rpm - SL 6 signed SRPM.

sl-mock-config-1.0.0-1.el7.src.rpm - SL 7 signed SRPM.

sl-mock-config.yaml - YAML file for package. 'release_announcement'
field left as <todo> until any offical release is done into SL.

PHILWYETT-VENDETTA-RPM-GPG-KEY.public - My public key for import todo
SRPM checking.


I regard the 6 files in this package to be production ready. The files
for 7 are fresh and need some testing before I would declare them
production ready. As such I have indicated the package as not production
ready at this time in the packages YAML file.

As SL 5 is so close to EOL. I have decided not to do files for it at
this time.

