On 08/21/2014 02:18 PM, ToddAndMargo wrote:
> Hi All,
> Anyone know how to create a DOS 6.22 Live USB stick
> from a Linux machine?   Got the DOS ISO and Floppy
> images, but dd doesn't work.

While this is not ScientificLinux-specific, the instructions for gentoo 
at http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Bootable_DOS_USB_stick might help you.  
(The ms-sys package can be found in repoforge; specifically, see 
http://pkgs.repoforge.org/ms-sys/ ).

Alternatively, use unetbootin (available for SL in the EPEL repository) 
to make a FreeDOS USB stick; for most BIOS flashing and similar purposes 
a FreeDOS USB stick works fine.