On 24/03/14 21:55, Connie Sieh wrote:
> We would like your opinion on the following.
> Summary Proposal
> ----------------
>   SL 5 - status quo -- continue building as we do now .
>   SL 6 - status quo -- continue building as we do now .
>   SL 7 - CentOS variant -- based off of CentOS core
> Thanks
> -Connie Sieh 

Dear All,

I think that the proposal seems very sensible.

I would add the following "Pros":
 * Clear where to report bugs and to send patches.

I note that you "may re-evaluate in the future" how SL6 is built.
I would caution against changing the SL6 build procedure, even in the
future, for 2 reasons:
(1) changing it will be a pain and will introduce new bugs in the
build/test process.
(2) maintaining the SL6 build infrastructure provides a credible backout
plan should the centos merger fail. (I fully expect it to succeed!)

Also with regards to the "Cons", particularly "Less control than
currently". Even though we may loose some control I suspect that by
hosting CentOS mirrors and possibly other infrastructure the HEP
community may gain more respect and so more powers of persuasion... and
so we can mitigate the  loss of control that way.

Alex Owen

Dr R A Owen			School of Physics and Astronomy
Senior Physicist/Programmer	Queen Mary University of London
Tel: +44 20 7882 6559		327 Mile End Road, LONDON, E1 4NS, UK
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