If you're on SL 5.9, you are SOL for contemporary software. The dependency tree is just too large, especially for published binary packages.

If you can get the SRPM for opera, perhaps you can re-compile it on 5.9?

On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Larry Linder <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Need advice:
A number of our systems are still running SL 5.9 and a number of new
applications require libc.so.6 when "yum localinstall" opera-12.15.rpm and a
few others.
One reason we have not upgraded to 6.4 is because of the gigabye ethernet
driver issue.   It took us a while to fix the problem on a couple of new
systems with a lot of good help from you all.   We just don't have enough
time to update all systems that are running fine and heavily used.

Is it possible to load libc.so.6 on a SL5.9 64 bit system and have it work and
not destroy a working system.
I think I know the answer but I have to ask anyway.
A number of packages we have used, use the "configure" , "make", "makeinstall"
and it works wonderfully.  We have been able to install ngspice and number of
other engineering apps this way.
The other problem is the most users in shop use KDE and KDE for SL6 is not
usable by intelligent beings.   The systems with SL 6.4 use gnome desktop.
Thank you for your help in the past.
Larry Linder