Hi! I want to mirror (public mirror) the last 6x distribution of SL and
i would like to have a confirmation for the settings.
i use a rsync script (with locking) with
rsync  -avkSH --delay-updates --delete --exclude=sites/Fermi
--exclude=archive/obsolete --exclude=archive/debuginfo --exclude=SRPMS
--exclude=sites/Fermi  $remote_dir $mirror_dir

where remote_dir is rsync://rsync.scientificlinux.org/scientific/6x/
the script is run at every 2 hours.
the access is http only (no ftp nor rsync).
the actual link would be

Are there any recommendations regarding the apache settings?

Thank you!

Adrian Sevcenco, Ph.D.                       |
Institute of Space Science - ISS, Romania    |
adrian.sevcenco at {cern.ch,spacescience.ro} |