On 04/10/2013 03:25 AM, Ruben Kerkhof wrote:
> Hi,
> Our yum repository configurations in /etc/yum.repos.d/ are managed with puppet.
> I just noticed they were replaced by an update of the sl-release package, 
> and the old configs are saved as .rpmsave files.
> Is there a reason the repo files in the sl-release rpm are not marked as 
> %config(noreplace)?
> Thanks,
> Ruben

As part of our public testing process, the yum repos are replaced a few times 
so that users can utilize the 'rolling' repos.  One change to go from 
'$releasever' to '6rolling' and one to go from '6rolling' to '$releasever'.

If they are marked as %config(noreplace) then this testing process breaks.


Pat Riehecky

Scientific Linux developer