
First release candidates (2013-04-05) of SL 6.4 LiveCD, LiveMiniCD and LiveDVD for 32-bit and 64-bit are now availablefor testing:


In order to squeeze the LiveCD under 700MB, I had to remove the following packages: spice-xpi, system-config-printer, libsmbclient and foomatic.

In addition, there is a testing version for a NONPAE LiveCD available. This LiveCD is based on the NONPAE kernel-lt from http://elrepo.org/tiki/kernel-lt
I don't know, if this should go into the official release. But this would allow people with NONPAE hardware to install SL6.4. Any opinion on that?

I don't have a NONPAE hardware to test. Can anybody test SL-64-i386-2013-04-05-LiveCD-NONPAE.iso on a NONPAE hardware?

