On 03/15/2013 05:54 AM, Andras Horvath wrote:
> Hi,
> Yesterday came a huge update regarding the kernel (2.6.32-358.2.1) and
> the X (xorg and libs).
> System is SL 6.3, 64 bit.
> Since this update the sandbox windows cannot be resized with Firefox. I
> run FF in sandbox with this command:
> sandbox -i ~/.mozilla/plugins -t sandbox_net_t -X -- firefox
> AFAIK the ability to resize an X sandbox window is a special patch from
> TUV which therefore makes this ability to be available only on RHEL
> (and so SL) and not on Fedora. This one came with an update when the
> system version was at 6.2. Before that it was not available.
> Another regression I seem to have noticed is that the adobe flash
> plugin crashes or simply doesn't behave properly. Sometimes the flash
> area on the web page stays blank on some specific sites.
> I tested these in FF with an empty profile too, but the same happens.
> Didn't have any problem before yesterday.
> I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
> Andras


I fear I've a ton of questions, so forgive my rather shotgun approach.

I do hate X updates as security errata, not all dependencies are listed as 
'Requires' which makes for all sorts of fun.....

There is a new policycoreutils build for 6.4, nothing that I pushed yesterday 
listed it as a requirement so it wasn't pushed.  But it is the rpm providing 
'sandbox'.  Maybe we've got a bugfix or two here....

Can I have you try updating those rpms:


(you can also do yum --releasever=6rolling update policycoreutil* if that is 
more convenient)

Are you having the flash problems in a sandbox or just naively?  If it is in a 
sandbox, does the problem persist when run naively?

Just to verify, you've booted into the new kernel, right? If not can I have 
you check and see if the problems follow you there?  (Forgive the seeming 
obviousness of the question, but sometimes the answer is 'no')

Do the problems you've reported persist on the older kernel?

I show the current adobe flash rpm as flash-plugin- 
, it was released earlier in the week.  Did you get that update?

Any chance I can see a copy of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?

If you've got the binary only drivers, what version are they and where did you 
get them?

Any chance for your X logs from a session where you've got the problems?

I'll look at some stuff and see what I can see,


Pat Riehecky

Scientific Linux developer