Hi David,

On 27 November 2012 16:21, David Fitzgerald <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I have a lab of 25 workstations running Scientific Linux 6.2.  User
> accounts are authenticated via freeIPA, and auto mounted to an NFS server
> and the users use Gnome 2.8.  The NFS and freeIPA servers are located on
> the same server (IP which is also running Scientific Linux 6.2
> and is a virtual guest in VMware ESXI 4.1.****

If I were you, I won't let a virtual guest to serve NFS. Serving for
freeIPA is fine, but not for NFS. I would suggest you to try to use one of
your workstation to serve NFS, and see whats happen. Standard options of
NFS server and mounting should be fine for that small number of
workstations and the load you described.

Btw, did you use diskless workstations (so, everything comes from the NFS),
or only shared the home?
