On 07/29/2012 11:02 AM, "Javier R. Villazón Terrazas" wrote:
>         I want to use SL in order to make a GPU Cluster, Anyone know
> some tips for do this

I wish I had a GPU enabled cluster but at this time, I only have one
node that has a CUDA capable GPU. I just configured a queue for it to
separate it from the other compute nodes. I have a SL6.2 base. I use
Torque [1] for the hardware resource manager and Maui [2] for the job


[2] http://www.adaptivecomputing.com/products/open-source/maui/
Maui is Open Source and free, but you do have to register for an account
to download it. They push their paid-for product Moab pretty hard and
kinda obfuscate the links for Maui sometimes. However, I prefer Maui for
the work I am doing over other Open Source projects like Oracle/Sun Grid
Engine. Personal preference.

If you have any questions, let me know. I don't know everything about
Torque/Maui but I have a bunch of documentation that I wrote to ensure I
can manage my resources properly (I have some strange software combos I
have to support). Maybe some of it might help. :)
