On 18/07/12 14:24, Karanbir Singh wrote:
> On 07/18/2012 01:58 PM, James Holland wrote:
>>> Would love to see this testing process/code documented somewhere and
>>> what the implications are. So we might be able to better and improve the
>>> process in CentOS as well.
>> Is there a place where you document the CentOS processes?
> we are starting to, the QA team has been in place for about 4 years now
> and we try to cover as many roles/deployment types as can. There is
> quite a bit of documentation on the wiki, additions and contributions to
> that are welcome.

It's great to hear that you're documenting things. I can't begin to 
understand most of what you say, but the more documentation there is the 
more people like me can learn and begin to help and apply that knowledge 
to other distros too.